
The Divine Name(s) and the Holy Trinity, Volume One: Distinguishing the Voices is unavailable, but you can change that!

Few things are so vital to Christian life yet so mired in controversy as the language we use to name the mystery of the Trinity. By drawing on new developments in biblical studies, Soulen offers a fresh map of Trinitarian language that is simple, yet profound in its implications for theology and practice. He proposes that sacred Scripture gifts us with three patterns of naming the persons of the...

A name, it seems, is like a Möbius strip, a ring with two sides but—mysteriously—only one surface. Names are light and transparent on one side, heavy and opaque on the other, but each side leads endlessly to the other. Mere scraps of sound, the plaything of punsters, names still share somehow in the reality of what they signify. The mystery of names intensifies when we consider divine names, names for God. It seems obvious that there is all the difference in the world between God’s being and God’s
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